Maintaining day to day tasks and lists on Google Calendar has become routine for us. We tend to have separate calendars on Google for work and home. But sometimes, things can get overwhelming if we have too many calendars on the list. That’s when we need to hide or permanently delete a Google calendar. This post is about keeping it all manageable on the Google calendar. Read on to know how!
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Reasons For Deleting Google Calendar
You might be wondering why would you delete a Google calendar when you took some time to create one in the first place. Well, there are a couple of valid reasons for you to delete a Google calendar.
1. Declutter
Too many calendars can become confusing just like a closet with too many drawers. You may forget in which drawer you put away your home utility bills. Instead, if you keep all your home bills in one drawer, it’s easier to reach out for just that one. That’s why you need to delete a Google calendar or two for some decluttering. Too many calendars with too many events can be mind-boggling!
2. Change in team or organization
If you are no longer part of a team or an organization, you don’t need to view the Google calendars of your colleagues or team. In such cases, you need to unsubscribe from their calendars or delete a calendar. And if you’re the owner of the Google calendar and your teammate has moved on, make sure to delete her/his calendar.
How To Delete A Google Calendar
When you delete a calendar in google, it’s gone forever. So, think long and hard before you delete a calendar! To delete any calendar in Google, follow the below steps.
Step 1: Go to your Google Calendar page and scroll down the left panel under My calendars where you will find the calendar you want to delete.

Step 2: Hover over the calendar you want to delete and click on the three vertical dots.

Step 3: Click on the Settings and sharing from the list beside the calendar.

Step 4: Scroll down to the end of the page and click on the Delete button under the Remove calendar section.

Step 5: Click on the Permanently delete button if you want to delete the calendar permanently. Otherwise, click the Cancel button if you don’t want to delete the calendar permanently.

How To Unsubscribe From Google Calendar
You can’t delete a calendar that you don’t own. Therefore, to stop the access and viewing of a calendar on your list, you need to unsubscribe from a calendar by following steps 1 through 3 mentioned in the previous section. Two more steps will have you unsubscribed from the desired calendar.
Step 1: After you have clicked on the Settings and sharing option beside the calendar and redirected to another page, scroll down to the end of the page. Under the Remove calendar section, click on the Unsubscribe button.

Step 2: If you are sure you want to unsubscribe from the calendar, then click on the Remove calendar button. Or else, click the Cancel button to retain the calendar on google.

Once you decide to unsubscribe from a calendar, you won’t be able to restore it unless you’re the owner. If someone else is the owner, you can request them to share the calendar with you. However, if you owned the calendar and it wasn’t shared with anyone, you can’t restore it.
If you were the owner of the Google calendar and you shared it with someone else, you can restore the calendar by asking the other person to follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Go to Google Calendar from your computer.

Step 2: Click the Settings wheel on the top-right corner.

Step 3: From the left panel, locate the shared calendar you want to get back.

Step 4: Click on the name of the calendar you want to restore.

Step 5: Scroll down the page until you see the Integrate calendar section. Copy the link by clicking in the Public URL to this calendar field. Then email the link to the calendar.

Once you get the calendar link mailed to you, follow the steps below to add it back to your google calendar.
Step 6: Go to your Google Calendar and click on the Settings wheel and choose Settings.

Step 7: From the left panel, click the down arrow beside the Add calendar option and choose the From URL option.

Step 8: Paste the calendar link that was mailed to you in the URL of the calendar field under the From URL section. Finish by clicking on the Add calendar button below.

How To Hide Google Calendar
If you want to hide a Google calendar, it means it will be hidden from your list but you can unhide it anytime and access it. Here’s how to hide Google calendar:
Step 1: Go to your Google Calendar and scroll down the left menu bar under My calendars.

Step 2: Hover over the calendar you want to hide from the list and click on the three vertical dots to get a list of options.

Step 3: Choose Hide from list option and the calendar will no longer be on the list.

If you want to unhide a Google calendar that you had hidden from the list, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to your Google Calendar and click on the Settings wheel from the top-right corner.

Step 2: Click on Settings and you will be directed to another page. Scroll down the left panel and under Settings for my calendars or Setting for other calendars, locate the calendar you had hidden from your Google calendar list. You will see an icon of an eye crossed out beside it. This indicates that the calendar is hidden from the list.

Step 3: Hover over the hidden calendar and an option will appear – Show in calendar list. Click on this option and the calendar will be back on your google calendar list.

If you don’t want to view another calendar on your Google calendar page, simply scroll down the left panel and uncheck the box beside the calendar that you don’t want to view. Check it back if you want to view it again.

How To Delete Google Calendar From Your Phone
You can’t delete your Google calendar from the app on your smartphone but you can disable viewing it. Here’s how to do it.
Step 1: Go to the Google calendar app on your phone.
Step 2: Tap on the three horizontal lines on the top-left corner of the screen.
Step 3: From the list of the calendars, tap the one that you don’t want to see and it will not appear on your google calendar.
Also read on “What To Do When Google Calendar Events Disappear”